My Motion Graphic Prototype!

Hey guys! I finished my Motion Graphic Prototype and wanted to share.

Now, yes, it has a lot of kinks that need to be worked out. But I think for a rough start it looks pretty okay!

So, first. A summary of the novel itself.

Battle Royale is a book about a post-modern Japan in which once a year, a school is selected to be sent to a deserted island and forced to fight until only one survivor is left. In this book, the protagonist’s class, all believing that they are going on a school study trip, are suddenly gassed on the bus, and, when they come to, they are the next class selected to be a part of the Battle Royale project, and must fight to the death.

The colour scheme for the Battle Royale franchise, be it the film, the novel, or the manga series, has always been red, white, and black. I decided to stick with this colour scheme for my book trailer, as it is really fitting, but also potentially familiar to the viewers.

The motion graphic begins with a single red eye, open wide. I’m thinking of turning this into a real eye for the final motion graphic to make it look creepier and more unsettling. The goal is to grab the viewer’s attention through vivid colours and shock value, but it’s also representative of the story itself, and how alert and tense the students had to be throughout the entire novel in order to survive. Since (spoiler alert) most of the students die by the end, I thought a blood-red tear drop falling from the eye and slowly spilling into the shape of a gun would really emphasize the death and violence that runs rampant in this novel.

I plan on having the gun fire a bullet in the final (hopefully), and having the words fly in behind said bullet, but for now the words just fly out of the gun. The gun and the sword imagery in the next two shots are meant to represent some of the weapons used within the novel, but to again emphasize the danger and violence within said novel. The font I used for these words was “Quicksand,” because I thought it looked legible while still providing a fascinating impact, but I think I might want to change it to something edgier for the final project.

The two hands reaching out to each other pertains to the relationship side of the story. There is a theme of camaraderie and love within the novel that really hooks you in and breaks your heart, so these hands kind of emphasize the drama of the story.

The final panel is the only thing that I really really like, and don’t want to change at all. Battle Royale Final

I used a font called “Bad Grunge” for the title of the book, because I felt it had a really great, gritty look to it that really suits the themes of the book. For the author’s name, I wanted a simpler, calmer font, so I chose one called “Bebas Neue.” The images of the boy and the girl are inspired by the actual book cover, but are hand drawn (from scratch) by me. The white things around their necks are the collars that are kept on them during the “game,” that prevent them from leaving said “game” (by blowing up contestants that disobey the rules – yikes).

So, yeah! Pretty good for a first run, I think. Hope you guys like it!


My Motion Graphic Prototype!

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